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Acne : Cause, Treatment & Home Remedies


Acne is something which no one like to have on their body. It can be stressful and may break your confidence too. But acne is curable with the right drug, medical advice from the doctors and by some home remedies. Mostly teenager are the affected ones, as they go through biological hormonal changes in their early years.

Acne happens when your skin starts making excess oil, which block your skin pores which forms acne.

Acne can happen anywhere on your body, Some people thinks pimple as an acne but it’s just an one form of acne, whereas blackhead’s and whitehead’s are also a form of acne. The reason for breakout can depend on many factor, also it depends on individual to individual. Their skin condition, medical condition, genes, diet, sugar intake, geography and more.

Cause Of Acne

1. Hormones : Many people get breakout when they go through some hormonal change in their life. Teenager’s go through puberty which gives them acne. Also menstrual cycle and pregnancy can get you acne.

2. Medical Condition : If you had a medical record or used medicines in the past. That can also be a factor as lot of medicines are antibiotics and excess use of antibiotics can give you lot of acne on your body.

3. Diet : It is a biggest factor for acne which normally people ignores it and thinks diet has nothing to do with acne. But the truth is with right diet you can control your acne 40% to 50%.

4. Sugar : Sugar and acne has a direct relationship. The time your sugar intake will be high the more breakouts you will have. Because excess sugar intake can increase the blood sugar level.

5. Genes : Family background matters, as your genes has come from there. If someone in your family had oily skin or high in blood sugar then there might chance of you getting breakouts frequently.

6. Skin : The main factor for acne is skin type and texture. Mostly people with oily skin and unbalanced skin texture are more prone to breakouts. But that doesn’t mean other skin type can’t get breakouts, it just they are less likely to get as compared to oily skin.

7. Stress : Researches claims studies has showed stress can be a factor to give you breakouts. As stress can change the texture of our skin.

8. Geography : Geographical area too matters. If you are leaving in the moist area then most probably your skin type will be oily. Those who are in the hilly area where the climate is less humid there skin texture is normal.

How To Get Rid Of Acne

1. Dermatologist : Consult a skin doctor. It important to know the type of your acne and be on right medication.

2. Laser Treatment : There are laser treatments as well, which can prevent breakouts from coming and heal your skin pigmentation marks as well.

3. Face Wash : Use face wash which has antibacterial properties and wash your face twice a day.

4. Oil Free Moisturizer and Sun Screen : Use oil free moisturizer and sun screen to get less breakouts.

5. Diet : Correct your diet. Don’t look for junk food and soft drinks and eat food with less sugar in it.

6. Medicines : Don’t use medicines frequently specially painkiller’s and antibiotics.

7. Stress : Hormonal change happens with everyone and breakout’s in those days are common. So don’t take stress on that, as it can increase your acne.

Home Remedies

1. Water : Drink as much water you can. Studies have shown water can help you hydrate and nourish your skin and flush the toxic out from your body. Doctor advice’s to drink 3 liters to 4 liters of water a day.

2. Lemon Water : Take one full lemon with warm water every morning empty stomach. This will help you remove the toxic and your liver clean. Also lemon is a great source of vitamin C which can help your skin to glow.

3. Milk & Turmeric : Try adding turmeric to your milk, as turmeric has healing properties and can help your skin to healing from the pigmentation.

4. Neem : Neem can help you with breakouts, as it has antibacterial properties.

5. Tea Tree Oil : It has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to reduce inflammatory acne .

6. Apple Cinder Vinegar : Use this once a day full teaspoon of apple cinder vinegar in warm water.

7. Aloe Vera : Moisturize your skin with Aloe Vera. It can heal and correct your skin texture.

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